The funeral for a porn actress ends in an orgy in a cemetery
Sara Peláez, known as ‘Amanda Amante’ in the porn scene, was 39 years old when she died. She was a spanish actress with great prestige in the pornographic industry. At age 18 he left home and began his career leaving behind his family and old friends. But yesterday he said goodbye to everybody because an unfortunate car accident.
The funeral began at 5:00 p.m. and finished at 8:30 p.m., later than originally scheduled. because the funeral became a festival of joy and sex. The funeral guests were all co-workers of the deceased porn actress. «Amanda would have liked her funeral to be a great naked party and not a sad day. I am sure she was horny at heaven, «said one of her friends.
The priest left the cemetery very shocked when the assistants began to undress. «I cannot believe it, satan is here, I have no doubt», he was saying while he was running across the cemetery.
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