He has a pimple on his face and can’t unlock his iPhone X anymore
A young boy from Illinois submitted a claim in an Apple store in his locality, after taking 24 hours without being able to use his new iPhone X. Problems started when he configured his phone with the option of facial recognition. On Thursday morning he got up with a huge pimple on his face and there was no way to unlock his cell phone.
«I’ve tried everything, covering the grain, making up with my sister’s products, but there’s no way. My phone is out and I’m waiting for an important call from a job offer. This is inadmissible». Apple has already contacted the affected and proposed a quick surgery that would be paid by the mobile company. «No way, I will not get surgery for this. If I knew, i would bought a Nokia 3310. »
Apple doesn’t understand what could happened. «We tested the phones so hard but that pimple isn’t normal, it is alive».
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